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Based on 378 reviews
NCM T3s New
Debbie Beuckelare
Love my bike!!

Haven’t had the chance to ride it yet. Waiting for nicer weather but not seeing it in person before ordering it, I absolutely Love it and the colour Sand!!

Good battery, great price

I bought a second for my bike to take on long rides. Because this design is compact, I can put the second battery in my rack bag and take it along for extended range. I will easily get 60+km out of it and have never actually gone far enough to deplete it.


As expected, a well built connector. Delivery process went well.

NCM Milano/Milano Plus/Venice/Venice Plus/T3s/T3/Munich/Hamburg Grips


Another great bike from NCM continuing my satisfaction of NCM bike products after previously purchasing the C5 last year which has interchangeable batteries. Also own the Praque and Moscow bikes and they have all proven to be great bikes without defect and great performance. In 4 years I have rode them alot
and combined travelled over 60000km to date. Totally satisfied customer.

NCM Prague/Moscow/Aspen/M3 Throttle - T6-30

Easy peasy install, it works. Shipping speed and price could of been much better. Shipper dropped it off at wrong address. But kind people down the street delivered it the rest of the way.

NCM T3s New
michel gagnon

NCM T3s New

Faulty throttle sent

I paid 66 $ to replace it and the new one is faulty, it sticks open

NCM Prague/Moscow/Aspen/M3 Throttle - T6-30

miranda gratto
This was THE WORST shopping experience of my life!

They sent me the wrong bike 3 times! That's 6 full days of waiting for Fedex to show up at your house. This is the first time I ask for a refund. The 3rd time it was the same model of bike but two years older. In those two years the bike had many upgrades and they said they would send me the up grades and I could pay someone to do the work....uh no. Even after upgrades the shape of the bike is completely different, things would have to be mounted and unmounted and I wasn't looking for third party to pay out of my pocket. This is the second time I ask for a refund.
After ordering my bike in June or 2023 I finally receive the bike I ordered in October 2023. I'm so excited! After riding my bike for 3 days the battery is low from the constant riding. And there was the first problem...the battery wouldn't hold a charge. Third refund email. So after bugging them with multiple emails they agree to me sending them the battery and they will "take a look." They send it back with a new battery and everything works fine, except now it's December and it's time to put my bike up already.
So now it's April of 2024 and I am so excited to have a spring, summer, and fall with my bike. HA! The naivety. Two weeks out of storage the tires need to been replaced, that's fine, it's a bike. So I get my bike back from the shop a few weeks later and am just happy to have it back. A few weeks after that the brakes go, and I mean bad and suddenly. I took it into the shop and a week later got a call saying if I wouldn't mind coming down so they could explain what was wrong. After an hour or so of listening as best I could to brake talk, I find out, the brakes should never have gone this early and were probably defective from the start. I Email the NCM Website several times and no response. I again ask for refund number 4. I pay for the brakes out of pockets.
Now it is September of 2024 and my battery is no longer staying in it's slot and I am strapping it on with anything I can and it is still barely working. It completely brakes down in the middle of a busy street where a car runs into me and takes off. I get home and the display is no longer working. Or anything else on the bike for that matter. Now I am furious and email them I want help or this bike refunded!!! They will not contact me after the dozens of emails of me begging them!! I have put over $500 into this bike just to be able to ride it for a couple month here and there throughout less than a year with no response from the company. I refuse to believe you and no kind of refund policy or some kind or warranty plan I'm covered under. Why have you not responded to my emails?!

NCM Prague
Nicolas Boudreault
Freins non ajustés

Le frein arriere etait désaligne et ne freinait presque pas. On ne pouvait faire tourner la rous plus d'un quart de tour avec une bonne force. Lors de la premiere randonnée, de 1 h, le frein émettait un son strident continuel tres fort.
Mes frères ont ajusté le frein en 1 heure et plus pour me sauver une couteuse réparation. J'ai craint que ce ne se répare pas.
Vous devriez bien les verifier avant expédition. Je ne m'imaginais pas tout remettre dans la boite! Maintenant, la roue ne tourne pas très bien, 2
1 1/2 tour, mais est beaucoup mieux et n'émet plus de son. Mes frere m'ont fait ca gratuitement.

Pour le reste je suis satisfait

Elizabeth Baerg

I love my new bike! It is everything I wanted!

Everything is working great. Thought the delivery was a bit slow but we’re all used to over night these days. All worked out in the end. We

Battery is a loose fit in frame.Last battery was much better

NCM Prague

Arrived intact. Mostly assembled, easy to complete the assembly. Very satisfied with the product.

Martin Hynes

hard to install, had to torque the carrier to align the screws

James Fawcett
M3 battery issues

Had the M3 for 2 years .battery burned out after 1 year .luckily recieved a new one under warranty .but now another year later again battery issues .as I write this review my bike is in shop getting repaired or at least diagnostics hoping for a good outcome

NCM Milano Plus
Danny Martin
Manuel d'utilisation

Peut-on trouver un manuel d'utilisation pour savoir l'entretient a y faire, batterie, freins etc.. et la programmation de l'écran en autres...


sinon très satisfait de mon Milano Plus

Remi Cote
5 étoiles

J’aime ce vélo. Tout est conforme à ce qui est annoncé en plus du plaisir de conduite. Aucune crainte en lien avec l’autonomie.

Feedback and Question

Hey guys,

I am Burak. My orner name was burak erme:Thanks for your fast shipping. Actually I got a question , after I get my order I realize we ordered wrong part. If it is possible we would like to refund it. When you have time could yoy please update me about refund policy.

Thank you

Very Delayed

The product took over a month to finally be delivered when it was only supposed to take a week.

Replacement Battery

Shorted the original battery. Couldn’t get it fixed had to buy a $507 replacement. Pleased to have my C7 back. I’m 5’11” tall and my C7 is the largest frame but it’s suited for a 5’9” person. The front forks were warped in transit, or in storage and unbalanced the bike making it impossible to ride without hands. My bike was probably at the bottom of a pile while in storage. I had to unwarp the forks myself. Other than that I love my bike.

Never received !!! Order #2259

NCM Aspen
Lesley Jimmo
Great fat tire bike! Highly recommend!

We got this bike about 4 years ago for my son, as he wasn’t old enough to drive. He rode it to school, year round. . Now he has his license, and a truck, so Momma took over this bike! LOVE it! Gravel, asphalt, rain, snow- it is awesome! Comfortable, economical, works amazing, and is a good looking bike! Very durable and sturdy and safe on gravel. We are now looking at getting a second one for hubby, so we can venture onto the trails around the mountains.

Great Bike

Have had my Moscow NCM for almost 5 years. I have never had any problems and have over 6000 km on it. Excellent bike for the price. Highly recommended